
How Can Dogs Be Tormentors To Cats

Dogs and cats are interesting creatures, sometimes exhibiting strange behaviors that may exit you scratching your head. What does nature accept to practise with the weird things our domesticated dogs and cats do? Hither's a look at some of the most unusual canis familiaris and cat behaviors and the reasons behind them.

Why Exercise Cats Hide in Boxes?

A cat's favorite toy is a elementary paper-thin box. Or whatever enclosed object, for that matter, including laundry baskets, suitcases, backpacks, etc. Even the nigh social of our feline friends bask finding a snug place to hide. Merely why do cats prefer confined spaces?

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Hiding is instinctual behavior for cats; it ensures they cannot exist snuck up on from behind or from the side. In the wild, small spaces provide a condom place for cats to take shelter from their predators or stalk their own prey. In your home, boxes, suitcases and other similar objects provide a place of safety and security, also as a cozy place to curl upward and sleep.

You may find it gross, but if your dog licks your face, information technology's a certain sign your pup considers yous a friend. Licking is also a gesture of peace for dogs; a means of suppressing aggressive or overly dominant behavior.

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Licking gives your domestic dog a feeling of pleasure and comfort and may salvage stress every bit it releases "feel skilful" hormones known every bit endorphins. If Fido starts lapping your face, try not to push button him away. Instead, close your oral cavity and eyes, turn your head to the side and yawn. This volition betoken that you've accustomed your canis familiaris's offer of friendship.

Why Do Cats Awkwardly Open Their Mouths?

Commonly known as the "stinky face," this odd, open-rima oris sneering face is the Flehmen response, and it'due south actually very scientific. If y'all've seen your cat lifting her lips as if in an aggressive snarl, there'south no need to worry; your cat is responding to pheromones, aka scent hormones.

Photo Courtesy: Nills Jacobi/Essentials Drove/iStock by Getty Images

Cats use pheromones to communicate with each other. Every animal releases its own unique pheromones to mark its territory or bespeak its gender. The grimace yous encounter is because your cat has trapped pheromones in her oral cavity and is using the powerful sniff mechanism to analyze those hormones.

Why Do Dogs Circumvolve Earlier Lying Down?

Though it'due south not needed by nigh domesticated dogs today, your dog's ritual of circling before lying downward is an evolutionary trait. In the wild, dogs needed to pat down alpine grass to create a comfortable bed for sleeping. The easiest style to do so was by walking in a circumvolve.

Photograph Courtesy: Meredith Hunter/Unsplash

The act also served equally a safety precaution for dogs in the wild, every bit flattening down grasses would drive out snakes or insects and was an piece of cake way for them to indicate the territory had been claimed past a item domestic dog. Times have changed and most pups today have a safe, comfy bed to slumber in, yet the survival instinct ensues.

Why Do Cats Lick Their Humans?

A cat licking is frequently seen as role of the grooming procedure. Cats lick themselves in order to groom. Female parent cats as well lick their kittens to groom and clean them. Only when a true cat licks yous, it is typically a sign of affection from your feline friend.

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Kittens use licking to ease anxiety – much the same way humans apply hugs – and a grown cat may lick you lot to betoken y'all are important and part of the "family." Cats also release pheromones when they lick to marking their territory, so licking is one way for your true cat to claim you as his holding. Cats are attentive to the moods of their humans, so you may notice your cat licking you more if yous are sick or upset.

Why Practice Dogs Sniff Each Other's Behinds?

If you've ever taken your canine companion to the neighborhood canis familiaris park, you've certainly experienced this odd behavior. Consider dogs sniffing each other's butts similar to a human handshake – but there'due south even more to it than a simple greeting.

Photograph Courtesy: Tim Dorr/Flickr

Dogs (and cats) have a special sniffing organ called the Jacobson'southward organ, which allows them to ignore certain smells when they sniff some other animals backside. Instead, they are able to detect the odour of special chemicals released by glands located on a dog's rear finish. Sniffing these chemicals allows a dog to learn of import information to help them go along, such as whether the other dog is male or female, its age, what information technology eats, how healthy it is and fifty-fifty its current mood.

Why Does Your Cat Scratch at Everything?

At that place'south not a single reply to this question, but rest assured, your cat isn't a bad kitty only because he scratches at everything in sight – including your couch. Scratching is a normal feline beliefs, something cats practice to evidence excitement, to marking their territory, to remove the expressionless outer layer of their claws, or to stretch and flex their anxiety and claws.

Photo Courtesy: Tom Magliery/Flickr

Scratching isn't a beliefs you should discourage; instead teach your true cat where to scratch and what is off limits. Cover areas that are off limits with double-sided tape or aluminum foil. The smells of citrus and menthol are typically a scratching deterrent for cats, then endeavour soaking cotton wool assurance in cologne or muscle rub and place them on the (non-fabric) surfaces you'd prefer your kitty get out lone.

Why Does Your Dog Sit down on Your Feet?

If your dog lays or sits on your anxiety, she is exhibiting another ancestral pack instinct. In the wild, dogs sleep close to each other to stay warm and to protect themselves and the leader of the pack. Sleeping at your anxiety can be the sign of a submissive dog; if your pup lays at your feet, it's a sign she considers you the leader of the pack.

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This beliefs may also be a betoken that your canis familiaris is fearful or needs a piddling actress emotional support. A canis familiaris who suffers from separation anxiety may lay or sit down on your feet when you are at home as reassurance that you are close. And as with many other canine behaviors, this tin can exist a mode of marker territory – letting other dogs know you are taken.

Why Practice Outdoor Cats Consume Grass?

Eating grass may seem like a strange behavior, until you lot consider how many other animals – cows, horses, etc. – consume grass as office of their normal diet. The juice that comes from grass contains folic acid, an important food that supports a true cat'south health. If your cat is grazing on grass, it may exist because she is supplementing a dietary deficiency.

Photo Courtesy: kytetiger/Flickr

Eating grass tin also salvage an upset tummy and serves as a natural laxative to help your cat have regular bowel movements. If your cat's digestive tract is clogged with fur from all the licking, she may consume grass to induce vomiting in social club to clear out her tummy and digestive tract. While eating some grass isn't harmful, if y'all discover your cat eating grass on the regular, consult your veternarian.

Why Practise Dogs Poop Facing North or Southward?

Research has actually plant that dogs apply the Earth'southward magnetic field – specifically the north-due south axis – when relieving themselves. In one study published in the journal Frontiers in Zoology, researchers institute that under "calm magnetic field atmospheric condition," dogs preferred to poop with their body aligned along the Earth'south north-south axis, while avoiding east-west altogether.

Photograph Courtesy: Mitchell Orr/Unsplash

The study reveals this behavior is mutual amidst dogs and was the first time "magnetic sensitivity was proven in dogs." However, the reason why dogs prefer to excrete when aligned with the north-due south axis, or whether dogs practise it consciously, remains unclear.

Why Do Pets Follow You Into the Bath?

You lot tin can always count on your pets to be at your side. Fifty-fifty when y'all don't necessarily want them to exist in that location. Case in point: the bathroom. Have you ever noticed that your pet can't stand to leave you lot alone, even when nature calls?

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If your dog follows you into the restroom, it's likely because their pack instinct is kicking in, making them experience vulnerable if left alone. If your true cat is following you lot into the restroom, however, it'south more likely that they're driven by the need to know everything that'southward happening inside their territory (your habitation). This same instinct is why cats dislike any and all closed doors.

Why Practise Dogs Hunt Their Tails?

In that location may be no other dog behavior equally agreeable as watching your pup spin endlessly in circles, chasing her tail. While there is no single reason why a dog will attempt in vain to catch her tail, it may be a sign of boredom – a chance to burn some energy – or bespeak the need for positive attention and human interaction.

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Tail chasing could be a sign that something is incorrect with your dog, if she persistently goes after her tail attempting to nip at or bite it. In this case, your dog may be bothered by fleas, worms or another medical consequence, or information technology could be a compulsive behavior related to previous confinement, abuse or trauma. If information technology seems your canis familiaris is tail chasing for more than entertainment, schedule an appointment with your pet'due south vet.

Why Practise Cats Rub Their Heads Confronting People?

As is true of many strange cat behaviors, a cat rubbing or bumping his head on humans is another way of transferring his odour and claiming ownership. The gesture may too be used as a form of greeting or fifty-fifty of gathering information almost a new person.

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For some felines, head bumping is an invitation to be pet – cats typically prefer to be scratched or stroked on their heads, rather than their backs or sides. Cat owners may also notice their feline pets rubbing confronting household objects like furniture or a doorway. Much similar rubbing against humans, a true cat who bumps or rubs against objects is marking the expanse with his feline scent.

Why Does Your Dog Urinate on Car Tires?

A dog who lifts his leg to pee volition urinate on vertical objects the majority of the time – percent of the time to be verbal, co-ordinate to Bonnie V. Beaver, writer of "Canine Behavior: Insights and Answers." Dogs do this to leave their scent at nose level to be sniffed past other dogs.

Photograph Courtesy: Evo Wink/Flickr

Non only is a car tire merely another vertical object, information technology besides holds a plethora of smells – food, garbage and roadkill, to proper name a few. Most dogs like smelly things, and they like to exist the concluding one to mark a given spot. So one thing y'all can bet on – in one case ane dog has peed on a car tire, others will follow arrange.

Why Do Cats Bury Their Poop?

You lot might recollect your cat buries his waste product considering cats are obsessed with cleanliness, but it's a natural instinct that goes beyond being tidy. A diversity of creature species use urine and feces to mark territory. In the wild, big, dominant cats such every bit lions, tigers or jaguars will leave their poop to a higher place ground in social club to claim a particular area; whereas smaller, weaker cats will coffin their waste product to throw off predators and ensure the dominant animal does not feel challenged.

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The typical domesticated true cat will bury his poop as recognition that his owner is the dominant one in the household. But don't assume a cat who does not have this natural trend is being rebellious. It could merely exist that the beliefs was never taught or reinforced past his mother.

Why Do Dogs Furiously Wag Their Tails?

It is normally believed that a dog wags his tail to convey happiness or friendliness, but this isn't e'er the case. While a wagging talk can hateful your dog is feeling happy or playful, it can as well hateful your dog is feeling fearful or insecure.

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Researchers in ane study discovered that tail wagging to the right indicates positive emotions and relaxes other dogs, while tail wagging to the left could be a sign of negative emotions and can make other dogs experience stressed.

Why Exercise Cats Raise Their Tail-cease in the Air?

Much like a dog uses his tail, a cat's tail is also used to communicate. When you pet your cat on his lower back, you'll probably notice him lift his tail and raise his backside in the air – a motion that exerts slight pressure to increase pleasure. The base of the tail is as well highly sensitive for cats, so scratching or petting in the surface area may feel something like the sensation of beingness amused.

Photograph Courtesy: Buenosia Carol/Pexels

Lifting his tail-end in the air is also a way for your cat to spread his odour onto you, once again, mark his territory. An intact female feline will elevator her behind with her tail off to one side to communicate to the male that she's set for mating – a position known equally lordosis. If y'all detect this behavior, best to go along your female true cat indoors unless you're ready for a litter of kittens!

Why Do Dogs Snack on Feces?

Poo eating is a positively disgusting canine behavior that every domestic dog possessor has witnessed at some point in fourth dimension. A canis familiaris who eats his poop may be doing so out of boredom or due to health issues.

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Like many strange domestic dog behaviors, eating feces is often simply instinctual – a female parent dog will eat the stool of her puppies to assist clean the "den" and protect her puppies from predators. During this stage, puppies pick upwards cues and larn behaviors from their mother, and then naturally, they volition follow her lead.

Why Practise Dogs Swallow Grass?

Does your dog habitually chew on grass in the lawn or at the dog park? Many dog owners worry that chewing on grass means that their dog is having digestive problems. Others believe that eating grass means that a domestic dog doesn't accept a well-counterbalanced diet.

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In reality, this beliefs is rarely something dog owners have to be concerned about. Instead of eating grass to soothe their breadbasket or gain nutrients, experts accept speculated that it's possible dogs eat grass but because they like the taste.

Why Does Your Feline "Knead" You?

If you ever question your cat's amore for y'all, consider whether or not she kneads her paws on your lap, abdomen, arms, etc. This rhythmic motility is instinctual from nascence; a nursing kitten kneads to stimulate the mother'south milk product and developed cats continue to acquaintance kneading with feelings of love and condolement. Cats are territorial and kneading is also a manner they are able to "mark" their homo owners.

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Although kneading is a sign of amore, it can be quite painful if your true cat has claws, only don't punish your true cat for the behavior; she isn't intentionally causing you pain. Instead, try placing a barrier between your body and your cat, such as a folded upward blanket. Go on your feline's nails trimmed or purchase nail guards to embrace the nails.

Why Does Your Cat Like to Sleep in the Sink?

Information technology may be an ordinary room to you lot, but kitties dear bathrooms. The tub, the toilet, a cold tile floor, toilet paper rolls – a bath makes an extraordinary playroom for cats. Many cats also prefer to roll up for a nap in the bath, or more specifically, the bathroom sink.

Photograph Courtesy: Fran/Flickr

A sink is ideal for a bed, as it is purr-fectly shaped to cradle your cat's body. The coolness of the porcelain is soothing in warm summer months and tin be cozy in the winter. In the sink, your cat too has the opportunity to lick drops of fresh water from the faucet.

Why Exercise Dogs Howl at Music?

Howling at music (or the howl of other dogs) is a common, bequeathed dog beliefs. In the wild, wolves, which are closely related to dogs, howl to communicate to each other. Amazingly, the canine species has a sense of pitch and when multiple dogs join in, they will each howl at a different annotation.

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Music has the ability to influence moods, even that of your dog. I psychologist found that dogs respond differently to dissimilar types of music. For example, dogs exposed to heavy metallic music exhibited agitation and anxiety and started barking, while classical music acquired the dogs to stop barking and settle downwards.

Why Practice Cats Sprint Around the Room?

Zero can be more obnoxious when you're trying to get a good dark's sleep than hearing your cat sprinting back and forth across the bedroom flooring. What is the reason backside this spastic beliefs? Cats are nocturnal animals, meaning they become more active at night. A business firm cat who isn't getting exercise past hunting for food during the day may display a burst of energy at night.

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This beliefs could besides be a sign of cognitive dysfunction in a senior cat, or irritation and itching from fleas or other pests. In rare cases, a condition known equally feline hyperesthesia syndrome can cause mature cats to act out with behaviors such as biting at its back or running crazily around the house.

Why Do Dogs Hang Their Heads Out the Motorcar Window?

Dogs are curious creatures, stimulated by sounds and smells. It may be the scenery, information technology might be the feel of a breeze in his face, but the likely reason your canis familiaris hangs his head out the car window is the cafe of smells available. The more air that wafts by the olfactory membranes of his snout, the more scents your dog can detect.

Photo Courtesy: Sam/Flickr

Before yous whorl the window down to your canis familiaris's please, know that this seemingly innocent beliefs could cause issues for your canine. Veterinarians warn that sticking their heads out of motorcar windows is a major crusade of ear infections for dogs.

Why Does Your Cat Set on Your Hands and Feet?

You lot wake up in the forenoon, identify your anxiety on the floor and start walking to the bath, but afterwards taking just a step or ii, your cat pounces on your feet and sinks her teeth into your pare. Is this daily attack a sign of aggression in your kitty? Quite the opposite.

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Feet and easily are both moving targets for cats, who are triggered by moving objects. This is why cats savor chasing cord or darting after the red dot of a light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation arrow. A playful kitty, or one who isn't getting adequate playful stimulation, considers your feet and hands a toy. In order to stop the behavior, offer your feline more playtime opportunities with cat-appropriate toys.

Why Does Your Pet Steal Your Socks?

Stealing items such every bit socks can exist a learned behavior and is often something a pet will do for attention – even if information technology's negative. Reacting to your pet when you lot run into them accept off with a sock in their oral cavity will reinforce the behavior, education them to go on doing it. But this isn't the only reason cats and dogs like to steal socks; the act can also be a form of play for a pet who doesn't take a regular playtime routine.

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For some pets, stealing may be about texture and seeking stimulation and the experience of unlike textures in their mouths. It can besides be a sign of stress or anxiety and sucking on your sock may be merely what your cat or dog needs to calm down. Think animals are attracted to scents, and wearable that holds your scent may be soothing to your pet.

Why Practice Cats Become Crazy for Catnip?

Catnip is an herb that contains a chemic called nepetalactone, which triggers a euphoric response in cats, much like how humans reply to hallucinogenic drugs. Catnip, however, is neither addictive or harmful for cats. Sniffing catnip can be a stimulant for cats, while eating the herb may have a sedative result.

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Not all cats are susceptible to the furnishings of catnip and not all feline reactions to catnip are the same. Only most 50 to 75 percent of cats will have a reaction to the chemical in catnip, and the sensitivity is inherited. While catnip produces a feeling of happiness in most cats, it tin cause aggression in others; so utilize caution the first time you lot innovate catnip to your kitty.

Why Practice Dogs Bawl at Their Reflection?

Unlike humans, who recognize their reflection in a mirror, dogs do not recognize themselves. If your domestic dog barks when she is standing in front of a mirror, she is barking at some other canis familiaris who of a sudden appeared out of nowhere. Information technology'due south piece of cake to understand how that can be startling for dogs!

Photo Courtesy: Jesus Trevizo/Pexels

Puppies may playfully interact with their reaction, as if they are inviting another pup to play or engaging in a social interaction. When the reflection does not render a reaction, most dogs volition apace lose involvement. Some dogs may seem completely uninterested in their reflection because it carries no scent, and is therefore unimportant to your pet, to whom scent is everything.

Why Do Cats Bring Their Expressionless Casualty Inside the House?

A cat'due south natural instinct is to hunt and to share their bounty with their pack. If you've always wondered why your cat leaves "gifts" around the house in the form of dead prey, consider it a generous gesture past your true cat – she considers y'all part of the family. Cats also instinctually teach their immature how to survive, so bringing their grab into the home may be a mode of teaching life-saving skills to family.

Photograph Courtesy: Sergey Granev/Essentials Drove/iStock by Getty Images

Although it should be considered an human activity of kindness by your feline friend, y'all can redirect the behavior into something a chip less gross by providing your cat with toys to chase and grab instead. Plume wands, moving toys and laser pointers are all effective alternatives for your cat compared to alive prey.

Why Do Dogs Ringlet in the Grass?

Rolling in the grass may seem odd, merely it is one of the virtually normal behaviors for dogs. The behavior is inherited from the dog's distant cousin, the wolf, who sniffs and rolls in newly discovered scents. Conversely, a dog might roll in grass not to selection up a new scent, but to get rid of unwanted smells.

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Rolling in the grass is also an effective means of alleviating an itch, but could be a sign of skin allergies or flea or tick bites. Constant rolling around in the grass could be the sign of obsessive compulsive disorder, and then if the beliefs is frequent, consider making an appointment with your veterinarian.

Why Practice Cats Ever Land on Their Feet?

A well-known fact virtually cats is that they will land on their feet when they fall. It isn't a learned beliefs, but a natural inclination. A cat is built-in flexible, with xxx vertebrae, and a vestibular system that indicates where he is in relation to the ground, whether upside down or walking around.

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Although about cats will correct their balance during a autumn and land on their feet, that doesn't hateful cats are immune to fall-related injuries. The greater the elevation of the autumn, the more than time a true cat has to right himself as he falls. Withal, cats can suffer cleaved legs or more serious injuries from a autumn.

Why Exercise Dogs Shake Off Water?

It but takes a few shakes for a dog to send virtually 70 pct of the water in her coat flying. It'south nature's fashion for furry animals to speedily dry off – a survival technique to assist regulate body temperature, particularly during cold weather. A wet glaze cannot trap warm air side by side to the canis familiaris'due south skin, thus providing a layer of insulation from the common cold.

Photo Courtesy: Helena Lopes/Pexels

Shaking is the quickest and most effective means of drying off, using far less free energy than waiting for the water to evaporate. The loose skin on a canis familiaris'south body is what enables the speedy side-to-side motion; the skin twists around much faster than the full body, acceleration increasing with every whip of the head. A wet furry mammal can milkshake so fast it generates a force 10 to 70 times greater than gravity! No wonder it takes such little fourth dimension to remove the water.


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